Become a Monthly Landlord
Sign-up now to rent your home and maximise property returns
Sign-up now to rent your home and maximise property returns
Adding a listing is free. When we find you a tenant our fee is 10% of the rental which includes all the necessary documentation including the rental agreement.
Whether filling quiet period voids or helping London landlords manage the 90-day rule, a medium term rental will fill the gap.
Monthly Stays works with large corporates, universities and the like and lists on Rightmove and Zoopla for maximum exposure to find the best tenants.
With agents in key locations across the United Kingdom, we provide comprehensive support to landlords.
Listing on Monthly Stays couldn’t be easier with an AirBnB short term rental listing. Act now and starting improving your returns.
Knowing that your property is rented out for several months to a good quality tenant and available short term in peak season means you can rest easy.
Use your short term rental property platform images and text from AirBnB,, VRBO etc to easily create your Monthly Stays listing
Allow instant bookings of verified renters, exchange messages and request references or arrange a showing of your property to allow you to meet the renters.
We provide you with a standardised rental agreement to manage the rental period and ensure that your rights and property are protected.
Begin by registering as a Monthly Stays landlord. You’ll then be able to logon and add your listings. You can use your existing short term rental photos, listing text and description to quickly get started.
Monthly Stays works with a commission-based model, meaning that you pay us a set percentage of 10% + VAT on each reservation. Your property will pay commission on stays that have completed each month. Commission will also be charged on non-refundable bookings, regardless whether the renter stayed at your property or not.
At the beginning of each month, we’ll calculate all your bookings for the previous month – and the total commission owed for those bookings. We will deduct this from your payout along with any other costs and the net amount will be paid to you within 10 working days.
You can access your listings by logging into the Landlord portal and clicking on My Listings. There you will find each of your listings and on the right hand side of the listing you would like to feature click Actions. Please select the Upgrade to Featured option and follow the instructions.
All landlords should obtain formal legal advice for their specific circumstances. Monthly Stays rental agreement is designed for holiday let style tenancies where the rental is not the renter’s main accommodation. If your circumstances differ from this, you should procure professional advice to meet your situation.
Any refunds will be provided in line with the specific cancellation policy for the property in question.
Renters will be charged for the first-month payment up front, and this will be released to the landlord at the beginning of the month following check-in.
For reservations longer than a month, we will charge renters 10 days in advance for each payment period after the first payment.
The monthly price is locked in at the beginning of the reservation, and you can track your payment details in the Landlord dashboard.
When you create a listing you will provide the bank account details for all payments. At the beginning of each month, we’ll calculate all your bookings for the previous month – and the total commission owed for those bookings. We will deduct this from your payout along with any other costs and the net amount will be paid to you within 10 working days.
Begin by registering as a Monthly Stays landlord. You’ll then be able to logon and add your listings. You can use your existing short term rental photos, listing text and description to quickly get started.
We provide a fully managed service to landlords that manages all maintenance, pre and post-stay cleaning and provides renters with a 24/7 helpline for all of their needs. The fee for this is 8% + VAT of the rental charge.
Please login in to your Landlord portal and go to the message centre. Click on the renter you would like to message.
Monthly Stays was set up to give landlords flexibility however you must undertake your own enquiries of what is allowed in your area. Many local authorities have their own rules and all landlords must make their own investigations into what is allowed. Monthly Stays accepts no liability for the contravention of any regulation.
When you create a listing you will provide the bank account details for all payments. At the beginning of each month, we’ll calculate all your bookings for the previous month – and the total commission owed for those bookings. We will deduct this from your payout along with any other costs and the net amount will be paid to you within 10 working days.
Our aim is for renters and landlords on Monthly Stays to be able to trust each other.
Although no identification process is foolproof and we cannot guarantee someone’s identity, we take steps to help everyone to feel confident that renters and landlords on Monthly Stays are genuine. This is why we have procedures in place to attempt to verify the identity of our users.
We may need to verify your personal information, such as your legal name, address, phone number and other contact details. We may also ask for a photo of your government ID and a selfie. This could be a driving licence, passport or identity card.
We may need to ask you for a photograph along with your government ID. If you can’t provide a selfie that matches your government ID, you can contact us for an alternative verification method.
Yes. Monthly Stays is equipped with iCal integration, which enables you to synchronize your property’s calendar with other calendars. This integration allows you to import and export calendar data, ensuring that your properties’ availability is always up-to-date and accurately reflected across all platforms.
The export functionality will depend on the external website, as most booking engines have their own iCal file similar to Monthly Stays. The iCal system uses a .ics file, and it doesn’t distinguish between a reservation that is cancelled, blocked, or booked but only uses the feeds in the .ics file.
Register as a Monthly Stays landlord, list your properties for free and start maximising your income now
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